A Shame
1-2 years ago, I stumbled into Valor. It was a little confusing, and took a couple worlds to catch on. Then I couldnt put it down. The version previous to this Trial By Sword nonsense was simply amazing. TheKakao talk app owes its US existence solely to the Valor following that use it as a sidebyside for quick communication and teamwork. The friends youll make all over the world makes this interactive war game by far the most enjoyable game of my adult life. But, its become a money trap. In order to survive (let alone succeed), you must either catch on with a group of vets that can tutor and protect you, or start spending money. There are a few players that have a reputation for overspending and growing 100x faster than the field. Theres no way to beat that. Before Playmesh sold out to Quark, the game had a few nuances/tricks that allowed for a player not spending gold to level the playing field. The new version does not have any way for a regular player to compete with a spender. What a shame. If you decide to take a leap and try, be sure to find some folks and start talking. Its amazing if you can catch on and keep up, but it was infinitely better about previous to the Trial By Sword era.
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